Your Donations Matter.
With your help, we enrich lives by preserving and growing our community parks.
Thanks to the support of generous donors, our 38 Kent County Parks have been the venue where generations of families have forged cherished memories with their loved ones.
Almost 100 years ago our first county parks were created. Visionary leaders at the time understood that it was important to preserve these natural spaces so that they could be enjoyed by everyone. At that time, open space was much more abundant, and there were less barriers to access to green spaces.
The population of Kent County has tripled since our park system was created, yet we still depend on those early parks to meet the needs of our growing community. Now is the time for us to reinvest in our green spaces. With your help the Kent County Parks Foundation will continue to play an integral role in expanding and enhancing our current parks, creating new parks, and growing our regional trail system.