“Inspiring the Kent County community to move by investing in open spaces, parks, and trails.”
Kent County Parks facilitate social interaction and a strong sense of community.
Kent County Parks give access to physical activity in a beautiful setting.
Kent County Parks provide true economic benefits and enhance the value of the land nearby.
Founded in 1999, the Kent County Parks Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to expanding and improving parkland, protecting the environment, and preserving open space. We support the mission of the Kent County Parks Department, which is currently responsible for 43 parks, greenspaces, and regional trails totaling 7,794 acres.
The Kent County Parks Foundation’s fundraising projects help to build, expand, and sustain our county parks, while keeping our community engaged and informed. We act as a facilitator for donors wishing to contribute to the sustainability and improvement of Kent County Parks. Donations are used to purchase uniquely valuable parcels of land as opportunities arise. These contributions enable us to leverage matching funds from state and federal agencies to secure property or other resources for Kent County Parks.
By preserving these properties, we are helping to ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy the beauty of nature in Kent County, that there will be wildlife habitat and public recreation areas, and—most importantly—that we all will be able to enjoy the health, environmental, social, and economic benefits that our parks offer to everyone.
While Kent County residents already support the parks through their property taxes, a family with a home valued at $200,000 pays only $11.66 per year to support the parks. The Foundation uses the dollars that are donated to facilitate land acquisitions and ensure the parks are preserved and maintained. Due to the economic downturn over the past years, funding has been dramatically reduced for the continued protection and maintenance of our 38 parks.